Powerful Solutions to Non-profit Organizations

Much more than a contact manager

Non-profit Organizations love CiviCRM

or the non-profit sector we recommend CiviCRM, the open source Constituent Relationship Management system. Our team of consultants has deep knowledge of non-profit workflows ranging from the small five person office to the fully staffed organization with a multi-million dollar annual budget. Top
s a Chicago based consultancy we are one of the select consulting companies that specialize in CiviCRM project work. We employ an agile hands-on deployment strategy for all our CiviCRM projects. Each client engagement starts with a thorough assessment of your organization's existing day-to-day workflows and involves an accurate evaluation of all critical tasks with corresponding CiviCRM functionality. We offer the highest level of service in initial discovery, transition strategy and final deployment. Feel free to look us up on the Professional Service Provider page on the CiviCRM main website. Emphanos also hosts and organizes the monthly Chicago CiviCRM meetup group at our downtown offices. Top
ur team of Emphanos consultants are intimately familiar with configuration, customization and deployment of CiviCRM. We offer a fully hosted managed CiviCRM solution through a Software as a Service (SaaS) model. By hosting CiviCRM through Emphanos' advanced cloud infrastructure, your staff can focus on your day to day organizational work and leave security patches, updates, database backup and disaster recovery to our expert team of IT engineers.